On October 24, 2023 in Bucharest the National Supervisory Authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria and of Romania signed a Cooperation Agreement within the framework of the established functional airspace block between the two states - DANUBE FAB. On the part of the Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA) of the Republic of Bulgaria, the act was signed by the Director General Mrs. Anelia Marinova. On the Romanian part, the document received the signature of the dully authorized Director of Flight Operations Department inside the Romanian CAA Mr. Silviu Trentea. The agreement provides for joint coordination and compliance in oversight activities performed by national supervisory authorities of both states. The authorities shall cooperate, exchange information on findings and non-conformities, as well as experience and good practices related to inspections on air navigation service providers of Bulgaria and Romania (BULATSA and ROMATSA). Also, common participation of both authorities in joint projects and activities for improving air safety in the DANUBE FAB is foreseen. This agreement supersedes the old NSA Cooperation Agreement from 2014, bringing it in line with the new EU legislation requirements and ATM/ANS safety oversight rules. The DANUBE FAB NSA Board approved the signing of the Agreement with Decision No. 41/24.10.2023. The 21st DANUBE FAB Governing Council on October 25, 2023 in Bucharest took note of the Summary Report provided by the DANUBE FAB NSA Board containing a copy of the Agreement and of the aforementioned Decision No. 41/24.10.2023. Accordingly, the old NSA Cooperation Agreement ceases to apply from November 23, 2023 - the date of entry into force of the new DANUBE FAB NSA Cooperation Agreement.