The DG CAA shall be a state budget supported legal entity within the Ministry of Transport, IformationTecnology and Communication, headquartered in Sofia, and a secondary principal of budgetary loans. Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" shall constitute of five regional departments - airport administrations as provided for in Article 48a, par.4 of the Civil Aviation Act.The DG CAA shall perform the functions of a Civil Aviation Administration in accordance with the Civil Aviation Act and the International Conventions and Arrangements, which the Republic of Bulgaria is party to.
Contact info:
Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration"
9 Diakon Ignatii Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
phone: /+359 2 / 937-1047
fax: /+359 2 / 980 - 5337
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
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