About CAA

The DG CAA shall be a state budget supported legal entity within the Ministry of Transport, IformationTecnology and Communication, headquartered in Sofia, and a secondary principal of budgetary loans. The DG CAA shall perform the functions of a Civil Aviation Administration in accordance with the Civil Aviation Act and the International Conventions and Arrangements, which the Republic of Bulgaria is party to.

Contact info

Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration"

9 Diakon Ignatii Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
phone: /+359 2 / 937-1047
fax: /+359 2 / 980 - 5337
fax for reports of technical events: +359 2 948 8053
[email protected]

[email protected] 

Orlin Ignatov

Acting SAFA National Co-ordinator

Tel.: +359 2 948 8073
e-mail : oignatov@caa.bg

[email protected] – e-mail for messages regarding UAS (drones)

[email protected]  - e-mail for Flight Permissions 

[email protected][email protected] -  e-mail for Standard Medical Documents from other countries

[email protected] - email for messages from operators

[email protected] - email for messages from aviation personnel

IBAN account numbers of the Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" for local and international transfers:

IBAN account BG04 UNCR 7630 3100 1118 26- BG,


IBAN account BG35 BNBG 9661 3400 1247 00- USD
swift code - BNBGBGSF

IBAN account BG22 BNBG 9661 3400 1247 40- EUR
swift code - BNBGBGSF