National Supervisory Authorities shall ensure the supervision of the ATM regulatory framework in all EU Member States. They are in particular responsible for the certification and supervision of air navigation service providers (ANSPs).

National Supervisory Authorities shall be independent of ANSPs. This independence shall be achieved by adequate separation at functional level at least between NSA and such service providers. The legislative framework of the Republic of Bulgaria ensures that the NSA exercises its powers impartially and transparently.

The Republic of Bulgaria has established the NSA by a change to the Civil Aviation Act (LWC) of 01 January 2012 Art. 16c.

The main tasks assigned to NSA in the Republic of Bulgaria under the Single European Sky legislation are:

  • Certification of ANSPs;
  • Continuous supervision of compliance with regulatory requirements for the provision of ANS;
  • Ensuring compliance with the charging principles for air navigation services;
  • Application of safeguards under the Interoperability Regulation;

The national supervisory authority shall be responsible for organising and conducting inspections and studies in order to verify the compliance of an ANSS with the single European sky legislation. The NSA may decide to entrust checks and studies falling within their competence to qualified organisation.

The role and responsibilities of NSA for air traffic management oversight/air navigation services and other network air traffic management functions are further described in Implementing Regulation (EU) 201/373.

The Republic of Bulgaria ensures that NSA has adequate human and financial resources to fulfil its obligations.