Occurrence reporting

Civil aviation organisations and owners of aircrafts mandatory report about occurrences not later than 72 hours from its realization by using


and mandatory use the ADREP (Accident/Incident Data Reporting) taxonomy.

Simplified Form for Reporting Civil Aviation Occurrences

The purpose of the simplified form for reporting civil aviation occurrences is for:

  • Voluntary, including anonymous occurrence reporting in civil aviation by individual citizens pursuant Art. 10, para 1, point 3 of Ordinance No 376 of April 1st, 2021 on reporting, analysis and follow-up actions in civil aviation, issued by the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications (promulgated, State Gazette, issue 31 of April 14th, 2021)
  • Occurrence reporting pursuant Article 6, para 2 of Regulation (EC) No 376/2014 for reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation – by small organisations in civil aviation without safety management systems.“
  • Occurrences related to significantly incorrect, corrupted, inadequate, or misleading information.
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